Saturday, November 04, 2006


Well, First Thursday was definitely much more fun for me than First Friday.

It makes sense - if the rain is going to decrease the artsy traffic during a big event like First Thursday it's likely to completely decimate the decidedly smaller goings-on of First Friday. Still, I got the work out and showed it to some people. Met some nice artists. And that's what these artsier (versus markety) events are about for me right now.

Unfortunately, I had this blinding headache for hours last night. I'm sure that made me come off a big edgier than usual. Feeling a lot better today, just somewhat tired. I'm glad I have a few days to prepare for the next event, an Arts & Crafts Bazaar in Fairview. It is also the Bureau of Emergency Communication's 911 Awareness event, so it's nice to be supporting a good cause whilst peddling my wares.

Oh, good news, too - minutes ago I got an email...and I was accepted into the inaugural season of Portland's Sunday Art-Mart! Advertised as "Like the Saturday Market - only bigger!" it is going to run on Sundays from July through October. I've really wanted a regular event like this, so I am very happy!

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