Monday, December 12, 2005


Welcome to my new blog!

First, a bit about the name. Charismatic Megafauna is fun to say, and also a very interesting phenomenon. Probably the most often cited example of Charismatic Megafauna is the Giant Panda:

Jessie Cohen, NZP photographer

Aww...So cute, right? Obviously the decor around here is more "charismatic megaflora," but I liked the template so I just went with it.

A quick update on me - I'm good! I've decided to apply to a PhD program and am busy as a beaver trying to get everything together by the upcoming deadline of February 1. Happily this application process is quite a bit more sane than law school's!

It's kind of fun, prepping for another standardized test, gathering those letters of recommendations again - it's kind of like pushing the "restart" button in this game we call graduate school.

I'm very excited to get back to studying in my real areas of interest, and to be happy about going to school again.


Kim said...

Shannon, I'm glad you checked's great to "see" you again! Good luck in the application process!

CM said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

yay! whylaw/shannon is back!! Good luck on apps!

Sui Generis said...

Way to get right back on the proverbial grad school horse. I hope you have a smoother ride this time around!

CM said...

Hey, I don't think you said... what are you applying for a PhD in? Environmental... something?

Shannon said...

I'm pretty sure most of my relatives still think I majored in "Environmental Something" :-)

But to answer your question - Yes, I'm applying for a program in an "Environmental Sciences and Resources" department.